Together we help fund projects benefitting the most vulnerable in Romania.

Support our life-changing work today

Why Romania?

Over 34 percent of Romanian people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, the highest across Europe (Eurostat comparison of EU countries). An urban-rural divide is one factor for this, where poverty is highly concentrated in rural areas with national at-risk-of-poverty rates are nearly six times higher than in cities (World Bank report).

Public services are often inadequate for those living rurally. As of 2020, Romania was the only EU country without universal access to piped water with just 39 percent of the rural population connected to a water supply. Romanian regions remain poorly interconnected with a transport infrastructure competitiveness index far below EU averages. Romania also remains high risk for hazards and natural disasters like earthquakes and flooding where it’s listed as top three most at risk across Europe. 

The people who suffer most are the poor, sick and the elderly. For many of these people the only aid and services available are the ones we help provide. Find out more about the projects we’re helping to fund.

Our Projects

We help support our Romanian friends and partner charity with the following on-going projects

Social scholarships for disadvantaged young people

Social scholarships for disadvantaged young people

More and more studies show that the situation of children and young people in rural areas remains severe with the main cause being poverty and lack of economical development and opportunity. Due to poverty, half of the children in the country drop out of school ending...

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The Glue Club

The Glue Club

Children of disadvantaged families around Bacau struggle to find opportunities for education or social play and support. The Glue Clubs are several day centres within the area that provide safe, friendly and engaging educational activities. Each club provides support...

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Home Care for Elderly

Home Care for Elderly

Worldwide, the number of people 65 or older is increasing faster than ever. We believe that everyone has the right to a quality of life as they grow older, irrespective of their gender, race, health or economic status. Elderly people deserve to live with dignity, free...

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Christmas Challenge & Calendars

Christmas Challenge & Calendars

Our BigGive #ChristmasChallenge2024 raised £1,870 over one week! Every kind donation was doubled and the funds will contribute towards a education campaign to reduce teen pregnancy rates in rural Romania. The National Institute of Statistics 2023 data show Romania had...

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New FSC project and a goodbye to a friend

New FSC project and a goodbye to a friend

New FSC project for Young people from Bacau! We are delighted to share the news that the Fundatia de Sprijin Comunitar have launched a Community Support Foundation project aimed at uplifting over 200 young people from rural areas. Through incentives such as an...

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Summer is here! July activities

Summer is here! July activities

July has had fantastic weather in Bacau and the children of both the Glue Clubs and Summer Schools have enjoyed lots of outdoor and indoor activities!   Last week the children from the Glue Clubs had a fantastic time celebrating St. Elijah. The sun was looking down as...

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